Sorry, general registrations are closed. However, below you will find a list of Workshops you might be able to join as drop-in for each day. Workshops are held at “C.C.E” 15 Railroad Ave, “Cornell studios” 168 Cornell St, and 187 Delaware Ave. Join us at our Milongas, Friday, Saturday & Sunday at 187 Delaware ave, Kingston NY.
Friday May 26th Workshops, practica & Milonga
The following workshops are available as drop in for Leaders and couples only. Sorry, no more single followers for these specific ones:
- 11:30am How to Tango Like Us. Int/Adv. (Guillermina & Mariano) $25 (Sorry ladies, only leaders can Join as drop inn)
- 3pm Milonga Master Class (Junior & Guadalupe) $30
- 4:30pm What’s Unique About Vals. All Levels (Fabian & Lola) $25
The following workshops and events are available as drop-in (rates as shown) for everyone. Followers encouraged:
- 10:15am Walking Drills. All Levels. (Maia & David) $20
- 11:30am Tango: Rhythm & Perfect Walk. Beg/Int. (Ellen & Maggie) $20
- 1-2pm Yoga for Tanguer@s. $5 Minimun donation.
- 1-2:45pm Chill and Tango Practica. $5 Donation.
- 3pm Milonga Lisa & Traspie: Rhythm & Musicality. Beg/Adv. (Carlos & Karen) $20
- 8pm Milonguita de Bienvenida: @White Eagle Hall, 487 Delaware ave 12401
Admisson: $25
Opening the Milonga: Our dear Teachers and Guest Artists.
DJ: “La Rubia Del Norte” Ilene Marder.
Performance by Guillermina Quiroga & Mariano Logiudice.
Saturday May 27th Workshops & Milonga
The following workshops are available as drop-in (rates as shown) for Leaders and couples only. Sorry, no more single followers for these specific ones:
- 11am Vals: How to… Turns, Enrosques & Sacadas. Int/Adv. (Junior & Guada) $25
- 12:30-1:45 What’s Unique About Tango. All Levels (Junior & Guada) $25
- 3pm Followers Technique with Guillermina. $30
- 3pm Leaders Technique with Mariano. $30
- 4:30pm Tango How To… Colgadas & Volcadas. Adv. Only Master Class (Fabian & Lola). $30
The following workshops and events are available as drop-in (rates as shown) for everyone. Followers encouraged:
- 10am Groove “Tangolicious” w/Maia. $5 (Donation suggested)
- 10am Yoga for Tanguer@s. $5 (Donation suggested)
- 11am Vals: Rhythm & Musicality. Beg/Int. (Kevin) $20
- 4:30pm “Meet the Music” All Levels (La Rubia Del Norte) $20
- 7:30pm Gala Milonga (Golden Era Fashion)@White Eagle Hall. $30
- Live Music by Pedro Giraudo Tango Quartet
- Featuring Eduardo Parra.
- Performance by Fabian Salas & Lola Diaz.
- DJ “La Rubia del Norte” Ilene Marder.
Sunday May 28th Workshops & Milonga
The following workshops are available as drop-in (rates as shown) for Leaders and couples only. Sorry, no more single followers for these specific ones:
- 10:30am Milonga Lisa & Traspie. Double Time. Int/Adv. (Fabian & Lola). $25
- 12pm Vals Cadencia & Cadenas. Master Class (Guillermina & Mariano). $30
- 1:30pm Flawless Ganchos & Enganches interm/adv. (Fabian & Lola) $25
The following workshops and events are available as drop-in (rates as shown) for everyone. Followers encouraged:
- 10:30am Milonga Traspie. Double Time. Beg/Int. (Carlos & Karen). $20
- 12pm Vals: Rhythm & Musicality. Beg/Int. (Maia & David). $20
- 1:30pm Simple & perfect. Embellishments for leader & Follower. (Mayte Vicens) $20
- 3pm Technique for everyone. The mystery of being in axis.(Mayte Vicens) $20
- 3pm How To Dance to Different Orchestras. All Levels (Junior& Guada). $25
- 5pm Tea Time with Junior Cervila. Followed by Tango Tea Party. Fun afternoon Milonga. 5:30-9pm @White Eagle Hall / 487 Delaware Ave, Kingston 12401
- Admission: $25
- Singer Eduardo Parra
- Performance by Junior Cervila & Guadalupe Garcia.
- DJ Angeles Chanaha.