- This event has passed.
Salsa Beginner (Level 1)
October 17, 2024 @ 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm
Welcome to the dance world
BEGINNER SALSA (Students on level 2 are welcome too)
Day: Thursday
Time: 7:15pm
Address: 16 Cedar street, Kingston NY
Fee: $65 monthly pass ($20 drop-in)
There are no refunds or make ups if you miss a class.
Questions: dojodanceco@gmail.com
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More info
What to bring:
– clean sole shoes to change into. Street shoes bring mud, dirt and pebbles that scratch the wooden floor (any sneakers or shoes with smooth soles, less grip the better to pivot and spin). No flip flops, heavy boots or loose sandals. (Dance shoes are not mandatory).
– Water bottle (there is a water fountain to refill)
– comfortable clothing.
To know:
Come a few minutes earlier. Front Door lock at 7:15pm. If you are late enter through the back (parking lot, metal door).
There is street parking and parking space in the back of the building. Please respect the tenants’ space.
Any questions or assistance please text or email us.
Want to get a head start?…check out our beginner’s videos here: TUTORIALS FOR BEGINNERS
You can pay with Check or cash at the door or send us your monthly pass via VENMO
** Keep it safe, IF YOU FEEL SICK or have been in contact with anyone who is sick, please CANCEL your class appointment. **